Friday, August 6, 2010

It's a confession kinda day

Confessions of a nerd (enjoy!):

1. I rarely pick up coins from the ground (unless it's a quarter or something awesome like that). However, on occasion if I see a coin on the ground that's tail-side up, I'll reach down and turn it around to heads. The reason? Some people think if you find a penny, it's only lucky if you found it heads-side up. So in a way I feel like I'm giving someone else good luck, which is total karma for me.

2. I've been running with a friend and making an attempt at Couch to 5k for the fourth time. Tonight will be Week 2 Day 3, and it is KILLING me. I can't tell if it's the fact that it's been 100+ degrees the past two weeks or if I'm just totally out of shape. Blaming the heat. Totally blaming the heat.

3. I want to love running so bad, and it scares me that I might be one of "those" people who just hates it. I always hated in when I was younger, and my 10-year-old self is probably wanting to strangle me for even trying it now. But I want to be that person that feels like something is missing if I skip a run. I want to be that person that breezes through 3 miles and feels great and accomplished after.

4. I'm a total planner, especially when it comes to vacations. Whenever we're getting ready to go on a trip, a few months out I begin researching like crazy about different activities we might want to do, where to stay, where to eat, how much things will cost, etc. And I talk my husband's ear off about it all, and he just nods and smiles before turning back to Mafia Wars and tuning me out. I can't decide if it bothers me or not.

5. My office is a freaking mess. And I even have "clean desk" on today's to-do list. But instead I'm doing this. Will it get clean today? Unlikely.

6. I want to write a novel (and actually finish it and edit it and query agents with it!) so bad. I just have the worst time starting one because I have this insane fear of rejection. I need to get over that and grow some cahones, but I'm so afraid all my ideas are either too lame, too unoriginal, or too "last year" and won't stand a chance of selling.

7. I recently started horseback riding again. The first place I went to I had two lessons (one which didn't even involve me getting on a horse, talk about a waste of money!). I stopped going, because aside from the fact that it was insanely far away, it was too regimented. I recently found a new place, and I love it. Why? It's laid back, and the barn is totally filthy. Just like a barn should be.

8. I wish that when I went to college I had the guts to major in something totally cool, like archaeology. Don't get me wrong, I did do some gutsy things, like work hard to score an internship with my favorite radio show. And it was an awesome experience! But there's something insanely appealing about being outside and digging up history.

9. If you don't think I'm already weird, then read this: I keep a copy of the book Graveyards of Chicago by Matte Hucke and Ursula Bielski (who signed it) on my desk. I don't remember exactly why I brought it up to the office (to show an old co-worker maybe?), but it's been here for over a year now, and probably won't be going anywhere anytime soon.

10. I want to go cage diving with sharks really bad. I'm not talking one of those cages that's like half open that leaves your arm susceptible to getting ripped off (I'm not stupid), but one that's really well-enclosed so that no part of me can be eaten. I think sharks are so fascinating, even though if I saw a Great White Shark I'd probably pee myself. But it would be from more excitement than fear, I think.

Any confessions you want to share?


  1. I can't imagine running outside right now with the heat/humidity; although, I may try it tomorrow. We should sign up to run a 5K together!

    Oh and I think you're nuts for wanting to get in a shark cage! ;-)

  2. At least if you peed you'd already be in the water...
    I want to read your novel so get writing.

  3. I was so going to say EXACTLY what iluvshoes just said.

  4. Oh my gosh! I am DYING to get in a cage and swim with sharks!!! I have a SMALL obsession with sharks.. especially Hammerheads! My husband thought about doing the swimming w/ sharks thing for our 1yr anniversary, but @ that time we didn't have a the money to shell out for it. There are a few places (seaworld, FL aquarium) that do it.

    Don't give up on the C25K! It is super hot right now, I did 7mi yesterday and thought I might just melt. It will start to cool down, eventually, and then you will be so glad that you started running. Some days I feel like I am "one of those" people who hate running. I just have really bad runs sometimes, well, a lot of times.

    Sign up for a 5k, that will help me a motivator in your training! I didn't follow a regimented plan for my training for my first 5k. I just did what felt comfortable me. I don't do well with training plans. I just ditched my half-marathon plan because I hated the feeling of "having" to run this distance on this day.

    Good Luck!
