Seeking Spirits is actually Jason and Grant's second book. The first book was published a few years ago, and as much as I tried to read it I couldn't get into it since a lot of it was pretty much written recaps of various Ghost Hunters episodes. I've seen most of the episodes, so why do I want to read a play by play? Oh, that's right. I don't. However, Seeking Spirits actually delves more into investigations and experiences they had before the show was ever on the air, with the investigations spanning about ten years from 1994 to 2004. Some of the stories are boring, and some of them about made my eyes pop out of their sockets. Interspersed with these stories are tips for people who are wanting to give ghost hunting a shot.
It took me a while to read this book, mainly because sometimes I really have to be in the mood to read non-fiction. It's not usually my favorite genre. I knew that without a doubt I would finish, but I took a few breaks here and there to read some fiction books as well (all of which have been previously reviewed!). Since each investigation is only a page or two at most, it was the type of book that I was able to take breaks with and pick up again with no problem.
I loved hearing about Grant's first paranormal experience. Some of the stories that really stick out in my mind are the investigation of the trailer park where they found some evidence of satanic rituals, the doppelganger investigation, and the man who was convinced his recently deceased wife was hanging around. There were more, but those are three off the top of my head. I also learned more about ghost hunting and about different types of spirits and hauntings. I knew the basics such as a residual haunting versus an intelligent haunting, but honestly I never knew what an incubus was until I read this book (and if you don't know what it is, umm.. eww.). I think this book would make anyone think twice about using an Ouija board too.
So overall, I would recommend this book to fans of the show and anyone who is interested in the paranormal.
Scary stories! Good luck, I would freak myself out.