Monday, February 15, 2010

Blog Award! Yay!

I can't believe how awesome it is that I got a blog award! Thanks to Leah over at My Life: Uncensored for thinking my blog and I are cool enough to be recognized. She's right: We do have great taste in books. ;)

So here are the rules:

1. Thank and link the person who gave you the award.
2. Pass the award on to 15 bloggers that you have recently discovered and think are fantastic!

And the recipients of my beautiful blogger awards (I'll try to make it to 15..):

Great Books and Fresh Coffee - This girl is awesome! I can't wait to meet her in person someday to discuss books, with a huge emphasis on our mutual Harry Potter love.

My Brain's Comfort Food - Umm, she's a Ghost Hunters fan, and a few blog posts from now I will be reviewing the latest literary creation of Jason Hawes and Grant Wilson.. thanks to her!

With a Cherry on Top
- I found this blog not long ago, and I tried one of the recipes: Garlic Parmesan Roasted Potatoes. All I can say is, YUM! I look forward to trying more recipes on this blog in the future!

Mrs. Messi's Musings
- Cute blog with some cute posts about pending motherhood!

My Overly Ambitious 101 in 1001
- I love this girl! I have the pleasure of knowing her in person (though I wish she lived closer!), and she's pretty much freaking awesome. I'm having a great time watching her as she goes through her 101 in 1001.

The Real Housewife of OKC - Another in real life person, and probably one of the funniest people I know. She always makes me laugh my butt off!

All I've Ever Wanted - Love the photos on this blog!

Eight Shades of Crazy - Another girl who makes me want to pee myself laughing whenever we get together.

C Times 3 - I'm almost tempted not to list this blog as retaliation for moving away from here, but.. I guess she's cool enough that she deserves it despite having left us all. ;)

A Light at the End of the Tunnel - I pray for her every single day. I wish there were more women like her in this world.

Okay, there's ten, and here are a few more that I love who already have this award, at least as far as I can tell:

Book Hooked
Crystal Clear Reading
The Simple Things
Forever Young
Because Perfection is Boring


  1. Congrats on the award. You totally deserve it!

  2. Thank you so much for thinking of me! You are so sweet...tonight I'll be posting about the award with a special shout-out to you!

  3. Thanks for rewarding me! I am glad I can bring some humor to your life through my blonde moments. See ya Friday.
